ts-enum-utilx - v0.3.0


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Strictly typed utilities for working with TypeScript enums inspired by ts-enum-util.

# npm
npm install ts-enum-utilx

# Yarn
yarn add ts-enum-utilx

# pnpm
pnpm add ts-enum-utilx
  • Smaller Bundle Size: ts-enum-utilx has a much smaller bundle size and is fully tree-shakable.
  • Functional Programming Approach: Supports currying and functional programming paradigms.
  • Streamlined API: Provides a set of essential functions without a wrapper class, making it more intuitive and easier to use. Additional functionalities can be easily achieved using modern JavaScript features or simple invariant libraries like tiny-invariant.

Namespace import is recommended for better tree-shaking:

import * as E from "ts-enum-utilx";

enum Answer {
No = 0,
Yes = "YES",

Get the number of keys in the enum:

// => 2

Get an iterable of the enum keys:

const iter = E.keys(Answer);
// ^? IterableIterator<"No" | "Yes">

// => ["No", "Yes"]

Get an iterable of the enum values:

const iter = E.values(Answer);
// ^? IterableIterator<Answer>

// => [0, "YES"]

Get an iterable of key-value pairs:

const iter = E.entries(Answer);
// ^? IterableIterator<[("No" | "Yes"), Answer]>

// => [["No", 0], ["Yes", "YES"]]

Get the value associated with a key:

E.value(Answer, "No");
// => 0

E.value(Answer, "Unknown");
// => undefined

const getValue = E.value(Answer);
// ^? (key: Nullable<string>) => Answer | undefined

// => "YES"

Get the key associated with a value:

E.key(Answer, 0);
// => "No"

E.key(Answer, "Unknown");
// => undefined

const getKey = E.key(Answer);
// ^? (value: Nullable<string | number>) => "No" | "Yes" | undefined

// => "Yes"

The key function is type-safe and will only accept values that are assignable to the enum values.

E.key type inference
enum NumberEnum {
One = 1,

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '"A"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<number>'
E.key(NumberEnum, "A");

enum StringEnum {
A = "A",

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '1' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<string>'
E.key(StringEnum, 1);

enum HetEnum {
A = 1,
B = "B",

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type 'true' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<string | number>'
E.key(HetEnum, true);

Check if a string is a key in the enum:

E.isKey(Answer, "No");
// => true

const key: string = "No";

if (E.isKey(Answer, key)) {
// ^? "No" | "Yes"

const isKey = E.isKey(Answer);
// ^? (key: Nullable<string>) => key is "No" | "Yes"

// => true

Check if a value is in the enum:

E.isValue(Answer, 0);
// => true

const value: string | number = 0;

if (E.isValue(Answer, value)) {
// ^? Answer

const isValue = E.isValue(Answer);
// ^? (value: Nullable<string | number>) => value is Answer

// => true

The isValue function is type-safe and will only accept values that are assignable to the enum values.

E.isValue type inference
enum NumberEnum {
One = 1,

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '"A"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<number>'.
E.isValue(NumberEnum, "A");

enum StringEnum {
A = "A",

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type '1' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<string>'.
E.isValue(StringEnum, 1);

enum HetEnum {
A = 1,
B = "B",

// @ts-expect-error: Argument of type 'true' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Nullable<string | number>'.
E.isValue(HetEnum, true);

Iterate over the enum:

E.forEach(Answer, (value, key, enumObj) => {
// ^? Answer
// ^? "No" | "Yes"
// ^? typeof Answer

const forEachAnswer = E.forEach(Answer);
// ^? (iteratee: (value: Answer, key: "No" | "Yes", enumObj: typeof Answer) => void) => void

const logEntries = E.forEach((value, key) => console.log([key, value]));
// ^? (enumObj: Record<string, string | number>) => void

// => [ "No", 0 ]
// => [ "Yes", "YES" ]

See the API documentation for more details.

MIT License @ 2024-Present Xuanbo Cheng